I titled the blog this way, because I want to tell you of a very recent experience. Enjoy.
I got a call the other day from this brother I used to build with on a regular. We've known each other about 2 years now, I believe (maybe a lil less). We were once "feelin' each other". We had so much in common (SOOO MUCH)... Except the religion thing. He was Muslim. I adhere to no religion. I submit to no "god".
He used to pepper his speech with "alhamdulillah" (All praises due to Allah), "a'udzubillahi minasy syaithonnirrojim" (I seek refuge in Allah), "inshallah" (If Allah wills) and "mashallah" (As Allah wills). He was very dogmatic/religious... Yet so conscious... Quite the contradiction. When he would say the "I seek refuge in Allah" thing, I would tease him by telling him "Quit trying to bless me away", lol. We often laughed, joked... I never really thought my words were reaching him, though...
Eventually, we fell off from each other. Yet, we still care about each other (as friends). We stopped calling... Just completely fell off...
Then about a week ago or so, I get a call from him. He's thanking me for bringing him into consciousness... He is telling me how much I helped him and how much he appreciates me and that I never gave up on him. He told me the greatest gift that you can give someone is truth/consciousness...
I was blown away... Humbled, encouraged, inspired... I felt my energy grow brighter, stronger, more radiant... I needed to hear that. I needed to be reminded that this is not in vain. I needed to know that no matter how bleak or impossible it seems, it can happen.
He told me to never give up on people... That no matter how hopeless it seems, something in them hears you. Just keep doing what you're doing...
I could have cried... To know that I've sparked someone fills my heart with joy... So much, that it spills over...
So you see? We can't give up on our people... No matter how deeply religious, dogmatic, hard-headed. We must plant the seeds we want to grow. It is up to the individual to nurture it. We must also shine the light on the seeds we plant. Watch how they grow...

He thanked me... A sincere, beautiful thank you... Out of sincere, pure love and appreciation.
No, Nasir... Thank you.
Peace, Love and Elevation.
My seed grew (poem coming soon).
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