.::Those Taking the Journey::.


Je taime, Ayiti... Je pleure pour vous, Ayiti...

I love you, Haiti... You and all of my beautiful brothers and sisters... I cry for you, for the children...
For the adults who are your children... I cry for the pain. Your pain is my pain. Your loss is my loss. I cry for you, the same way I cry for mama Africa. My heart breaks each time I look upon the pictures of this recent tragedy... My love for you has been deep and unwavering since I've known you. It will not fade... You did not deserve this, dear Haiti. Your children did not deserve this...
You have been abused, neglected, raped and destroyed for too long, my beautiful Haiti. You've been crying for years and years... Yet none but us few have heard you and shed tears... Now, the world suddenly knows and remembers you. Why does it take such events for people to open their eyes and ears? 
Bodies lay bloodied and broken... Men, women and children weep... Nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep... People mourn for families members who are beyond reach... People wandering aimlessly in the streets... Haiti, I hear you... I see your wounds are deep...
Dear Ayiti, if not for you, who knows how long it would have taken for our people to be free? If you had not gotten free, how deeply that would have changed the course of history?
Haiti... Je taime... Ayiti, je pleure pour vous... 

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