What are seasons?
Seasons: 1. a. One of the four natural divisions of the year, spring, summer, fall, and winter, in the North and South Temperate zones. Each season, beginning astronomically at an equinox or solstice, is characterized by specific meteorological or climatic conditions.b. The two divisions of the year, rainy and dry, in some tropical regions.2. A recurrent period characterized by certain occurrences, occupations, festivities, or crops: the holiday season; tomato season.3. A suitable, natural, or convenient time: a season for merriment.4. A period of time
Etymology of "Season": Pronunciation: \ˈsē-zən\Function: noun Etymology: Middle English sesoun, from Anglo-French seison natural season, appropriate time, from Latin sation-, satio action of sowing, from serere to sowDate: 14th century
What are "seasonal people"? Seasonal people are those people that come into your life for a time, but never stay around. They come in seasons. These "seasons" are your different stages of development/life/understanding.
Each person comes into our life for a reason... And when they leave, it means it was the end of their season... Not everyone is supposed be in our lives forever--No matter how much we love them or want them to be. They came to give us a lesson... It's up to you to figure out what that lesson was. If this is the end of your and their time together, thank him/her for the journey and the lesson. Let go and be at peace...

A lot of times, we fall in love with people that we aren't necessarily "right" for and that aren't necessarily "right" for us. Sadly, love is NOT enough. It takes more than that. I'm not saying that love is not important. I'm saying that we have a distorted view of love and relationships. Compatibility is more important to than "in love" feelings. There is a major difference between being in love and being compatible. Those "in love" feelings feel so good... But not everything that feels good is good. Often times, in relationships, we let emotions cloud our perception and judgment. Which is why it is (sometimes) easier for those around us (outside looking in) to see that the relationship/partner isn't right for us.
- Love has reduced even the wisest men and women to the level of a fool.
The point is, don't be upset, bitter and/or angry when these "seasonal people" come in and out of your life. Look over the time you had together and get the lesson from it. Take the best part.
You see, each person comes into our life for a reason and we come into each person's life for a reason. And when we part ways, it means it was the end of our season... Not everyone is supposed be in our lives forever--No matter how much we love them or want them to be. We came to give each other a lesson... It's up to us to figure out what that lesson was. If this is the end of our time together, thank each other for the journey and the lesson. Let go and be at peace.

Peace, Love and Elevation. More to come.
Questions/Comments/Suggestions: ancients.reborn@gmail.com
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